Electric charging stations
Electric charging stations
On Aix les Bains Riviera des Alpes
Where possible we have specified whether these terminals are active or not, as well as the type of charge available.
We invite you to click on the name of the car park: a link redirects you to useful practical and detailed information about the identified location (type of connection, charging conditions, etc.).
Covered parking lot at the town hall – Place Maurice Mollard
4 places on the ground floor – places no. 1,2, 3 and 4.
Covered parking Chaudanne – 31 rue de la Chaudanne
4 places on the 1st floor level G – places no. 13, 14, 15 and 16.
In each car park, 2 accelerated charging stations (22 Kw) and 2 normal charging stations (3 Kw).
An on-site user manual explains the charging operation.
Parking lot Avenue Victoria – 7 avenue Victoria
2 normal charging places/stations. OUT OF USAGE
Parking lot Place George Clémenceau
2 normal charging places/stations. OUT OF USAGE
Station car park – 29 avenue de Tresserve
2 normal charging places/stations.
Parking du Casino – 200 rue du casino
3 normal charging places/stations.
Avenue Franklin Roosvelt : 2 normal charging places/stations.
Domaine de Marlioz – 111 Avenue de Marlioz
7 places/3 charging stations.
3 terminals: 6 places intelligently share the power of 200 Kw/h and 1 terminal at 22 Kw/h.
Hippodrome – 7 rue Pierre Fabre
2 normal charging places/stations.
Near the lake
Parking du Rowing – 22 avenue Daniel Rops
3 normal charging places/stations.
Mc Donald’s parking lot – 7 avenue Daniel Rops
1 place / normal charging station and 2 COMBO CCS EU
Parking near Brasserie l’Aquarium – Boulevard Robert Barrier
2 places/ 1 normal charging station and COMBO CCS EU
Car park lot des Suisses –237 av du Grand Port
2 places / 43/50 Kw AC/DC fast charging terminals
All detailed information and location plan on the town hall website and on the site chargemap.com.
Health center car park : 2 spaces / normal charging stations including a COMBO CCS EU
E. Leclerc shopping center – 214 chemin de la Boisière: 3 normal charging stations and 4 COMBO CCS EU charging stations
Place JM Montillet car park : 2 spaces / normal charging stations.
Cellier commercial cellar : 6 spaces/charging stations dispersed in 2 zones in the parking area
Jean Lain Heritage – 526 route des Gorges : 3 charging stations including 2 COMBO CCS EU
Carpoll parking – 85 route des Bauges : 2 spaces/charging stations OUT OF USAGE
Parking Decathlon – rue du commerce : 2 spaces/ normal charging stations
Concessionnaire Volkswagen – 26 rue du commerce : 3 charging stations including 2 COMBO CCS EU
Garage Toyota – 26 rue du commerce : 2 spaces/ normal charging stations
Charge Point Network – 216 rue Boucher de la Rupelle : 2 spaces/ normal charging stations
Boulevard Ernest Coudurier : 2 spaces/ normal charging stations
Rue des Ecoles : 2 spaces/ normal charging stations
Savoie Technolac
Map available to locate charging points
Bâtiment de l’Horloge – rue du lac Majeur – 2 spaces/ normal charging stations
House Boat – allée lac de Garde – 2 spaces/ normal charging stations
Parking Allée du lac d’Aiguebelette – 2 spaces/ normal charging stations
Hélios – avenue du lac Léman – 2 spaces/ normal charging stations
Centre de vie Sud 1 – rue mer Caspienne – 2 spaces/ normal charging stations
Centre de vie Sud 2 – rue mer Caspienne – 2 spaces/ normal charging stations
Savoie Hexapôle
Agrion – rue Maurice Herzog : 2 spaces/ normal charging stations
Papyrus – 155 rue Louis Armand : 1 space / normal charging station and 2 spaces / COMBO CCS EU recharges
ZA Saumont – parking du U Express : 2 spaces/ normal charging stations
More information and geolocation on map on the website https://moncompte.reseau-eborn.fr/map